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发布时间:2017-10-26    浏览数:




“自由职业者是零工经济生态系统和未来工作的中心,而企业往往很难进入这个卓有成效的市场,”YOSS首席执行官Alain Dehaze说。“YOSS旨在弥合二者之间的差距,给企业带来创新,并帮助自由职业者发展他们的职业生活。YOSS管理公司与自由职业者的关系,助推自由者业者这一新兴市场成长,该市场具有成长为临时工人才服务市场3倍的发展潜力”。


法国企业家Guillaume Herrnberger和Romain Tré表示,YOSS是由德科集团的数字孵化器AGX在不到一年的时间内打造而成的。通过YOSS平台,公司可以在线根据其内部和外部要求与自由职业者签订合同。该平台也有利于开具发票:自由职业者的薪酬在三天内结算,而其客户也会遵守通常的发票期限,解决了双方一个共同的痛点。YOSS通过单一的门户网站以及“搜索与匹配”市场、日常业务支持、端到端的管理来进行公司与自由职业者之间的管理。对于企业而言,YOSS给零工经济带来了全新的安全和信任度,如拥有微软授权的数据保护与安全。它为自由职业者提供了安心的支付、保险、法律和财务建议。


Adecco launches technology start-up Yoss with Microsoft

(Oct.25, 2017, /staffingindustry.com/)The Adecco Group announced that it has launched YOSS, a technology start-up developed with Microsoft. The startup aims to “transform the world of work for both corporations and freelancers.”

The start-up was launched recently at the HR Tech Congress in Amsterdam.

“Freelancers are the heartbeat of the gig economy ecosystem and the future of work, and yet companies often struggle to tap into this fruitful market,” CEO Alain Dehaze said. “YOSS is bridging that gap, bringing innovation to enterprises, and helping freelancers develop their professional lives. YOSS manages the whole company-freelancer relationship, fuelling an emerging market that has the potential to grow to three times the size of temporary staffing”.

“Part of the Adecco Group’s digital strategy, and supported by Microsoft, YOSS gives companies a secure, fast and reliable way to adapt to more flexible procurement of specialized skill sets and expertise. The platform provides a range of “on demand” services for freelancers (including benefits such as insurance, legal and accounting advice) so they can focus on their work and grow their business sustainably, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance,” Adecco announced.

The creation of French entrepreneurs Guillaume Herrnberger and Romain Trébuil, YOSS was developed by the Adecco Group’s ‘digital incubator’ arm AGX in less than a year. With YOSS, companies can contract directly with freelancers in line with their internal and external requirements. The platform also facilitates invoicing: freelancers are paid within three days, while clients honour their usual invoice period, resolving a common pain point. YOSS manages company-freelancer partnerships across every specialty from a single portal, with a ‘search and match’ marketplace, daily business support, and end-to-end administration. Built for enterprises, YOSS brings new levels of safety and trust to the gig economy, such as Microsoft-enabled data protection and security. It offers peace of mind for freelancers with ease of payment, insurance, and legal and accounting advice.

The YOSS platform beta version will go live in France on 14 November 2017, before transitioning to the full version in France in February 2018. The online service will roll out across other major markets in the second half of 2018.


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