系统粉  > 单机斗地主老版






单机斗地主老版截图1 单机斗地主老版截图2 单机斗地主老版截图3 单机斗地主老版截图4
Fight Landlord
Fight the Landlord is a game for 3 players. The game is played with a 54-card deck (52 cards and 2 jokers). The object of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

Card Ranks
The cards ranks in the following order (from low to high):
(Low) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A, 2, Black Joker, Red Joker (High) ?
* All the suits have the same value. Note that 2 is a high card.
Each player is dealt 17 cards. 3 cards are dealt face down, in the middle of the table.
The bidding round establishes the player who will become the landlord.
The first bidder is decided by a pre-bidding round, where each player is dealt a card. The one who is dealt the “wild card” begins the bidding.
In the bidding round the players can pass, or bid one, two or three points. Every player must bid more than the previous player, or pass. If all players pass, the cards are dealt again. The player who bids the most, wins the bidding round, takes the three cards from the center and becomes the landlord. If a player bids three points, he wins the bidding round immediately. If all players pass, then the cards are dealt again and a new bidding round starts.
During a tournament, if all players pass in three consecutive bidding rounds, the player who started the bidding in the third round becomes the landlord automatically. The bid will be 1 point.
Once the landlord is established, he is given the 3 cards in the middle. The other two players play against the landlord.


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  • 王凯利iii:非常给力的斗地主炸金花棋牌游戏好玩身边好多人在玩给个好评比其他电玩城应用方便多了不用其他繁琐的程序买球福彩都很好用还有走势图真的很推荐很好玩很开心就是每天赠送的豆子有点少让人打得不够尽兴不够开心不M够火热在就没啥大的缺点了。
  • 申建杰:这是一款非常有趣的一款休闲斗地主游戏好玩的斗地主游戏平台,都是真人在线玩,房间分类明确,值得推荐!
  • opq201112:茶馆斗地主棋牌游戏我在这个软件上面学到了很多东西喜欢这个软件推荐
  • JuliusCeacar:我也很喜欢斗地主单机版丶玩起来的时候就爱不释手丶玩还有金币送真的不错
  • 这糖丶甜到悲伤:斗地主,麻将,棋牌游戏刺激更主要的是里面还有好多美女游戏有趣的一款斗地主,麻将,等休闲棋牌游戏好玩的同时还有视觉享受会员也开通可以有好多特权了呢推荐给别人了
  • _小乔》苏瑾伊:这是一款非常不错的斗地主游戏,赚翻了赶紧来玩。
  • 我怕各种暧昧:玩斗地主中的高游戏时,游戏运行很顺畅,不会卡,很喜欢
  • 自古楼主出废柴:临汾本地的斗地主,最接地气的本地玩法,各种本地麻将玩法,享受朋友间的乐趣,没毛病!
  • Xzi小天:希望多送点豆就好了炸金花,炸金花不是所有人都在说我们不知道怎么真钱棋牌你说我们这里,赶紧下载吧在这里买棋牌投注快捷安全再也不用去实体店了直接用斗地主就可以简单试试手气吧搞不好中了呢不错的游戏街机炸金花。


